Monday, February 21, 2011


I know I am late posting Charlotte's 4 month entry but I am waiting until after her doctor's appointment on Wednesday so I can include her height and weight. In the meantime we have heard a few little chuckles now and then and Todd was able to actually get a few seconds of it recorded. Love it!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


 Charlotte loved seeing family on our trip.

She chatted with Grandpa

Snuggled with Grandmame

Aunt Patti, Uncle Steve , Emily and Thiel were all able to come down and visit. Charlotte loved meeting them and we enjoyed seeing everyone. She even got dressed up for the occasion.

On our way home we also stopped so Charlotte could meet her Great Grandma. We had a great time. 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Sunny San Diego

Last week we made the trip down to San Diego. It was so great to escape the nasty Bakersfield fog and go to sunny beautiful San Diego. It was so nice being able to go for more than just a weekend. We were able to relax and visit the places (and restaurants) that we wanted to without being rushed. Charlotte had a great time on her first vacation. She slept pretty much for the entire drives both there and back. She also slept fairly well in the pack and play.

On Thursday Todd and I took Charlotte to see USD. It was the most beautiful day as you can see.

Hanging out by the fountain

 Founders' Courtyard
 Founders Foyer where Todd and I met

The next day was another warm and sunny one. Dad/Grandpa was able to take the day off work. We took a trip to Ikea, ate at Souplantation, and then went down to the beach. Charlotte was able to put her feet in the sand for the first time.

Charlotte loved hanging out with Grandmame and Grandpa. She was also lucky enough to get to meet some more family but I will save that for next post.